
Promotional Material
Rollin’ Fresh will not only be a mobile service, but a mobile educational tool. Beyond providing produce, Rollin’ Fresh places emphasis on education and knowledge on healthy food options. The truck will be decorated with posters of fun facts, as well as pamphlets on the joys of healthy eating.

Healthy Helpers Program
Families and individuals in the community will learn from our skilled educators about the importance of eating fresh and locally grown food for our health and benefit of the community. With the help of our ‘Healthy Helpers’, we hope to encourage families to make a better choice every day through collaborating with community centers and local church groups.

Elevator Pitch Competition Pamphlets
In addition, the team has created educational pamphlets to give an overview of Rollin’ Fresh’s business model and future plans. These pamphlets were handed out to the judges of the University of San Francisco’s 31st Elevator Pitch Competition.

Rollin’ Fresh Press Release
Rollin’ Fresh has also created a mock press release for future use, should the company launch in the future.

Contact Information:
http://rollinfresh.comStart-up company Rollin’ Fresh provides fresh produce and educational programs to the Bay Area.SAN FRANCISCO, CA (April 6th, 2016) – With the rising problems of food deserts within the Bay Area, the start-up company Rollin’ Fresh sought to solve this problem through a mobile grocery store. After undergoing 3 months of remodeling and repurposing a semi truck into a hands-on mobile grocery store, Rollin’ Fresh has launched with plans to provide fresh produce to areas lacking grocery stores within West Oakland, Bayview-Hunter’s Point, and the Tenderloin. With a focus on revitalizing communities from the supply sourcing to sales, Rollin’ Fresh is currently partnering up with suppliers from Old Oakland Farmers’ Market to broaden these suppliers’ outreach and distribute produce to areas lacking access to healthier alternatives.

Beyond providing produce, Rollin’ Fresh is committed to education and long-term societal improvement.

“We aren’t just a business.” said Johanna Dahan, Rollin’ Fresh’s Community Outreach Director. “We’re a community driven impact that will fervently work towards providing resources to the unresourced through healthy options and educational programs.”

Educators from Rollin’ Fresh’s Healthy Helpers Program have been working with the deFremery Recreation Center and the Convergence Covenant Church to integrate the importance and benefits of consuming produce within the West Oakland community.

As a community driven, education focused, and locally based company, Rollin’ Fresh hopes to empower Bay Area residents to make a healthier choice.